Saturday, 5 March 2011

as the world falls apart

There is so much unrest in the world, too much for any man to consider. If there was a world war 3 how many would be wiped out of existence? 20 million, 100 million, 4 billion???]

The weapons man designs are made to kill more and more, in the most horrifying of ways.
Why are we as a specie so adept at killing each other, when we are inherently loving and peaceful creatures. I think there is something afoot behind the mask of humanity. There has to be another force at work in our galaxy that makes us do what we do to each other.
Every man and woman I have met has wanted a peaceful and quiet life without the stresses of fighting and war, i guess that goes all the way across the board of the human race. Each man and woman wants to live in peace and security, so why all the aggression.

The power force that is at bay in this system is none other than a dark entity, a malevolent creature who's sole aim is to destroy mankind all-to-gether.
It is against anything that lives and yet IT lives.

My thoughts to that beastly thing is 'why don't you wipe yourself out' save us all the hassle of figuring you out and destroying you from our consciousness.

Yes I name this entity 'Lucy fer' because it is a woman throwing a temper tantrum, a spoilt child who is not satisfied with their lot in life, it is a piece of shit waiting to be wiped of our feet.