Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Present Time and UN-foreseen Occurrence

Time and

reader, we are living in momentous times. The days ahead will be
ones of terror and of pain, suffering on a larger scale than we have
known. There is however a solution to this change.

of all a little background information.

some ,this would automatically turn them off from reading any
further, and so for that reason I will discuss this subject first.
This will weed out the people who do not want to live a long and
happy life. A kind of sifting mechanism.

the beginning of man / woman's time, life was good. The prospect of
never growing old was something that was very tangible. All of
creation was in a state of peace and security. All life was
satisfactory and comfortable and serene.

something very bad happened.

the human race was designed and created there had been a race created
without physical mass, a spirit race. These sons of the Creator were
in a happy state serving and helping create the natural wonders we
consider with awe today. There were created, different species of
spirit. We will go into this a bit further in the book.

races were Arc-Angel, Seraphim, Cherubim and Angel. Below Angel
level there is man / woman.

angelic life was perfected and at peace, wholly faithful to their
Creator and Father.

physical children were created as children, they, were made with
intelligence, a little lower than Angels but, there was only two.
The prospect of creating a human family perfect was now something
that could ensue.


one was not happy and he was about to make his entry into the annals
of creation as a subversive creature.

creature was later to become known as Satan which mean slanderer and
devil which means deceiver. Other names this creature has been
called, Lucifer, Baal, moloch, molech, jah-bulon, chronzon and a
plethora of other names we shall not mention here as this creature is
not the most important character of our history.

was the original usurper and thus gains disapproval

Destruction of Our Society

our society advances more and more towards destructiveness than
morally correct civility we find ourselves in a dilemma, nay,

trust that we as a people give to those that take the lead in society
and the imbued sense of honesty is something that personally I feel
was extant at the time of dignified people in the past but which is
morally deficient in our 21

so much disdain? So many sufferings? These are questions that are
central to every human beings existence on this home we call earth.
Why do we all have the same questions? It there a common truth that
we can glean as a species created? Is there a way of true harmony
and what is its source, where can it be found?

my research into the unknown aspects of this world, the mystical and
the mythical the story the more questions arose about their
beginning. So many untold stories and lost lore.

did the Greek speaking peoples master natural home central heating
and yet we as a more advanced people cannot re-create what they once

we REALLY an ADVANCED peoples or do the past hatreds and barbaric
practices still flourish in our society? Have we really become civil
and morally correct or is it a truth that the more civilization
advances the more morally INEPT we become?

take war for one instance: War is something that affects all peoples
of this earth whether they are directly involved or outside the
battle lines. The emotional trauma verses mental anguish and then
both combined when realization hits home that another life has been
lost due to our sick misunderstanding can be so destructive that more
and more war is fomented, mostly against those we would normally call

a human being endowed with a soul and a desire to have peace, we have
been given an internal mechanism which gauges our emotional response
to our decisions that we make and then gives an emotional output
whether happy or sad to whatever the natural response would be to
that decision made.

emotions play a huge part in our lives. Can you not say that when
you smell delicious food that more than your stomach is affected?
That your entire body is taken up by the smell of the food?

about the smell of a woman when she has made herself clean and tidy
and endowed beautiful smells upon herself then, do you feel wholly
compelled bodily if you have an attraction to her?

are emotions that are coming into play. so why do we ignore them
most of the time? Why do we always try to logically think our way
through a situation without allowing our heart to influence our

child rearing has been an important factor that needs to be


birth to adult is an ever changing process of amazing
transformations. A child is never the same size at any time until
s/he reaches adulthood and then the process does not stop. Their
bodies are constantly in a state of flux, weight change and body mass
increasing then decreasing and then increasing again. Learning to
understand the world we live can be hard for some children. If the
birthing process was difficult this can cause subconscious trauma to
the child that is not well understood, until anti-social behaviour is
in evidence.

we as adults tend to punish instead of love. What we think love is,
is nothing like true love.

majority of earth may think that true love is only as the movie's
portray it to be. This is a sad and very lacking notion of what true
love is.

as a people can be very stupid and very unreasonable, to quote a very
noteworthy statement 'And Jehovah said unto Moses, I have seen this
people, and, behold, it is a stiff-necked people:' (American Standard

I use a biblical statement because they are words spoken truly as we
can see in our societies very stiff necked people who are unwilling
to give and take, who are unwilling to change a little for the common
good, adamant people who want to have their own way all of the time
even when it is seen that their way only brings suffering.

if we have something known as intelligence do we only use that
intelligence to harm and to hinder? Is it a waste of intelligence?
I would say yes to this. Intelligence is a gift, beautiful and
wonderful, so why use that gift to do negative?

have answers to these questions.

problem lies in us and outside of us. That is confusing I know but,
let me explain a few things from the start.

as a whole specie like to complicate our lives. It is inherent in
our make up. We wish to learn everything there is to know and
sometimes that learning becomes difficult. We have got so used to
learning the difficult, that we look at everything with a difficult
and uncomprehending eye. Children learn quickly and effortlessly.

have said, it is because they are innocent. Innocent of what?

have said, innocent of guilt. So is guilt a big cork in our bottle
of learning and because we have a guiltiness we cannot learn as
simply as children?

there a way to remove guilt and start to learn as a child does again?

answer to this question is, positively yes. But how, you may ask?

would ask you, what was the most enjoyable aspect of your childhood
(if you had any)?

things bring pleasure to you and did you enjoy learning about it?
Did you increase your knowledge to the extent that presently as an
adult you are now working doing your favourite past time?

not, then why are you not enjoying your work? Why work in a form of
employment that makes more guilt and more sadness? I find, in my own
case, that to work in a job that I do not like is as negative as
murdering another life. I will not do it.

found out to my chagrin that I had been looking at it the wrong way.

You see we are brought up to believe someone else's
thoughts on how life is supposed to be lived. We are not given the
opportunity to learn for ourselves what life is supposed to be. Why?
Because we live in a society that is governed by strict and
unreasonable practices.

Man / Woman was never meant to live close together.
That is obvious as the many families that flock to the sea sides all
across the globe when on holiday, is a testament to a deeper
subconscious desire to live apart. The sea is so vast and the
wonders in it are so appealing that some people spend their entire
lives at sea, maybe only come on dry land for foodstuffs. They are
content to be blown about by the winds. Are they fools or do they
have a truth that is obviously not apparent to most of society?

We go onto the sea to find food, to destroy life and the
plunder its riches, yet never exploring for ourselves the truths of
the oceans.

Why are only the rich and supposed famous people allowed
to do this?

I can feel the answer arising in your minds and that is
'they are rich and have the money to do it'. So does money, have to
be a factor in this enjoyment? If so, what did people do before
money existed? Did they do nothing? Did they go exploring or wait
until someone came up with an idea about selling gold as a type of
currency? If so, life before would not be documented or historically
recorded and would have been very boring.

But we know from historical findings, that peoples where
exploring well before the evil invention of money came into

And that is TRULY where the problems of our society
MONEY and the WANTING of IT!

Money is the number one destroyer of all that we know to
be beneficial.

The churches have been the biggest money grabbing
businesses in the world to keep people enslaved. The churches have
made everything pure, into an evil thing to be governed by sick
individuals who are spoken of in hushed tones amongst the secretive
orders of this sick world.

In an imperfect world there are many pitfalls to avoid.
Some are easily seen and others are unseen; the many would stumble
without seeing with their minds, what has been in store for them, the
spiritually deaf and blind.

Some things are understood as Natural Disasters and why
are they named thus?

If by any chance the spirit world knows, the earth is
such a massive place the wicked only know.

Earthquakes en mass and tidal wave, crush millions over
time, mans greedy hunger for a thing that was given to all for free.
The demons would have us believe that we are all gods. Governments
are ruled by demons, they have as their puppet men who have murdered
for worldy riches that do not mean anything really, believing that
they will have riches when they only have eternal death.

Sometimes I wonder why people look to only physical

There exist so much more when a simplistic life is
walked. The eye must be simple to understand what is happening in
the world.

I laugh so much at the politicians, its like watching
east enders not, that I watch east enders much, they speak utter
nonsense when you analyse their words. The use of words make people
believe lies. People are easily deceived. The Bible is so cool,
collected and full of wondrous information for the right hearted.
Look into it to understand where your life is going and where it
could go, if you only knew its secrets.

I may speak nonsense to some, and you may think I am
just another rambling Christian. I am not baptised into any faith.
I was born free of anything we know as faith or religion, neither
christened or blessed. No black taint of belonging do I posses in
the worlds deceiving churches. Yet I know from experience that
Yehovah or Yahweh as other know Him to be, exists. His
representative Jesus or Yeshua as some may know him is our
intermediary between us and our Creator. YHVH is the sole purposer
of all things good. There are many badnesses that are ascribed to
YHVH and yet people are ignorant at most from the knowledge that
demonic creatures exist and, that they, cause all of this havoc on
earth. They want to be worshipped as gods and are known to be
called gods of the world.

The big picture is, this world's system is going into
total meltdown. The system is crashing for a reason, prophecy
dictates truth, truth is all apparent when one can see clearly. Did
you know that you have another eye, just left of your forehead centre
behind your left eye? A literal third eye. Our eyes are really
positioned in the back of our heads, the lenses are positioned at the
front and transmit information to the back of the head to the nerve
centres that control dimensions, time and space. People can have
eyes and still be totally blind. People can be able to see
physically and yet still be totally spiritually blind.

One way to open these spiritual eyes is to put money as
the second or third priority instead of number one.

Stop thinking about riches and money, possessions. The
sovereign states have known since the dawn of evil how to become
wealthy. They make everyone who submits to them want that which they
know corrupts and that suits their agenda.

Politicians are clowns in a circus act. Statutes are
commercial jargon and only exist under GOD's YHVH Law because they
are a product of this evil world. When things are rectified and they
will be soon, those that have understanding will inherit the earth.
Those that listen also, they will live forever. Those that refuse to
look and see what the Bible really says instead of listening to a
preachers spout on about what it says will never find out what the
meaning of life is and how to change it, it can only be called
hearsay until you actually find out for yourself whether it is true.

Each day I view wonders of creation, the setting of the
sun and the beautiful colours of clouds in the sky, my cat purring
and meowing around me trying to communicate with me, I experience
delicious foods and not make mention of my wonderful King and
ransomer and his father my GOD. I cannot keep these thoughts in.

I know I sin regularly and I do not want to deceive you,
it is not my intention to scare you or to anger you. I want to be
candid about myself in the face of so much Divine knowledge and feel
humbled that me, a sinful and wicked man can be able to understand
Biblical truth and see so much more involvement in secret worldly
affairs. The truth of Bible understanding is that there is a secret
occult nature behind everything we have around us.

The governments that exist are being controlled by
demonic persons which in turn are ruled by Satan himself. (the title
'satan' means 'slanderer') The truth is evident in the history of
earthly governments.

I do not consider myself to be all knowledgeable about
Bible secrets and only that I search for answers to questions
regarding why I was picked to believe and why was I made to
understand GOD's nature. I have never met him personally or seen
Jesus Christ in vision, only I seek to understand why after so much
pain and suffering on this earth was I given to knowledge and desire
to learn about GOD and his son Jesus Christ. Why?

I would love to make mention of GOD's true name but I
still search for that answer. There are many names that are
associated with Almighty GOD and yet they are not all correct. As we
have a name that we are identified by, truly GOD has a name by which
he responds to. Our names can change as we see fit. It is lawful to
do this.

I am a proud, sinful and deceptive man, a liar and a
thief, an adulterer and a fornicator, unclean in lips and full of
bitterness, yet I do know that Jesus came to heal people and he came
to purify us through trials. Faith is tested and it works out
endurance. I am but stubble and worthless chaff and have no right to
say that I have the truth, only that I seek for the Truth.

May you all have peace and an open mind, seek mildness,
seek meekness, probably you will be concealed in the day of Jehovah,
Yahweh, Yehovah 's anger.

God is not partial and he does not consider us to be of
different than each other or national groups. We are to Him, one
people, to him, one nation.

I know that some people will taunt me for my words and
deeds and I say to you, do so, more, if you want to understand, yet
do not judge if you have not understood.

We all sharpen each other. We all have a little
knowledge the other does not have.

I have a spiritual hunger and I need to satisfy it, I
have a gap in my soul and nothing I'VE tried has filled it until I
started to be a child and ask questions.

The Bible knowledge of Jesus Christ has filled my void,
yet I know I am still a sinner, who hurts Him by my actions.

Money can NEVER bring happiness or sound peace of mind,
true love or anything pure. It taints everything it touches, even

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