In order for a contract to be lawful it must fulfill eight criteria and these eight elements are essential to the creation of a contract:
sufficient and equal consideration,
mental and lawful capacity to contract,
legality of purpose, genuine consent (knowingly, willingly, and voluntarily),
certainty of terms and conditions.
If the contract does not meet the four legal requirements, it is void. In order
to live free we must remain eternally vigilant of these invisible contracts and avoid the presumption of their
existence. The most significant presumptions are:
1. that you are a resident;
2. that you depend upon the government for benefits;
3. that you are not responsible for your behaviour; and
4. that you need protection - an attorney, a financial advisor, a doctor, a fiat currency, etc.
(Protect me from the protectors.)
False Presumptions regarding Statute Law!
All the above are false presumptions, the existence of which is perpetuated upon the belief that all land
and people are collateral for a debt which supports a fraudulent monetary system. All are based upon the
presumption that certificates of ‘birth’/‘title’, etc., in commercial law, waive our right to take responsibility
for our own affairs and own our bodies, plus life, liberty, and the property we accumulate through trading
our labour with others or creating from raw materials, if we don’t object to or arrange our affairs otherwise.
The duty of the police is not to protect you; it is to protect the Corporation and arrest code-breakers.
We are enemies of the State pursuant to Trading with the Enemy Act, 1933
We do not owe ‘public/ national debt’ - we can discharge fictitious public obligations.
Switzerland is ‘neutral’
because this is where the Bank of International Settlements is located.
USA: 27 CFR 72.11- code of federal regulations defines Commercial Crimes as any of the following
types of crimes (Federal or State): “Offenses against the revenue laws; burglary; forgery; counterfeiting;
kidnapping; larceny; robbery; illegal sale or possession of deadly weapons; prostitution (including
soliciting, procuring, pandering, white slaving, keeping house of ill fame, and like offenses); extortion;
swindling and confidence games; and attempting to commit, conspiring to commit, or compounding any of
the foregoing crimes. Addiction to narcotic drugs and use of marijuana will be treated as if such were
commercial crime.”
Corporate Churches Tax Exemption!
As soon as it
incorporates it becomes a commercial entity and applies for and obtains an IRS 501(c)(3) status ruling
(remaining non-political and non controversial) and it retains its tax exempt status. Essentially, the state
then runs the church. If you think your pastor/ rabbi/ priest/ minister can speak his mind, think again. Yet,
churches are automatically exempt from Federal Income Tax. Contributions to churches are deductible by
donors so why would a church apply for gov’t stamp of approval when it was already free? A church that is
tax exempt is not a ‘tax exempt church’ but a religious organization which applies for corporate status
thereby going from ‘lawful assembly of private citizens’ to that of a ‘legal gathering of public subjects’.
Religion is for people who are frightened of going to Hell; Spiritualism is for those who have already
been there. - Gary Busey
Holding LEGAL TITLE to Property, inc' SELF!
If you have private, legal title to your property, there is no way it can be confiscated; your property includes your body. When they issue
warrants for bodies to come in and get vaccinated, remember they are referring to the bodies to which they have legal title and to which you have only equitable title. If you already have legal title to your body, you
can provide the papers proving this.
Speech on Bankruptcy to look up online!
You might be interested in Jim Trafficant’s speech on The Bankruptcy of the United States. Look it up - he tells the entire story, which is why he is in jail - but the feds won’t admit to that.
There must be a remedy. Since we are operating in commerce, the remedy must be found in the Uniform Commercial Code. Remember:
1. signing the application for a licence is voluntary. You have the right to do these normal activities without such applications;
2. the applications are for ‘benefits’, ‘privileges’, and ‘opportunities’, which justify denial of your Creator-given rights with which you were born, but which were transferred upon birth registration;
3. we cannot acquire ‘true’ or ‘allodial title’ to any property purchased with such applications. We must ‘buy’ property in order to obtain ‘legal title’. This can be done only by exchanging your exemption for title. You can not own property by paying for it; 4. we cannot pay our debts at law; we can only discharge our debts in equity.
Filing a PPSA/UCC-1 is rather like the husband putting an ad in the local newspaper (usually the case and not the other way around) stating he is no longer responsible for his wife’s debts. This reminds me of
the husband who didn’t report his wife’s credit card as stolen because the thief was spending less than she had been spending. So, the filing is stating something similar: I will no longer be held as the surety for the
public debts of the Strawman because I am now creditor to, have a superior lien against, a security interest in, and control of, the Debtor Strawman. I had no trouble filing with the States of WA or NM, yet Alberta didn’t really want me to file a PPSA so they kept returning it along with the cheque I sent for filing fees until I woke up and remembered who I am. Since they are my servants, I realized that all I had to do is ‘Notice’ them that the document is registered with Canada Post. They are not required to file it if it didn’t suit their fancy, yet, my records show they received it and it has been recorded - rather the same as my car -
it is not ‘registered’; it is ‘recorded’. We are to Notice, not request, our public servants to do our bidding. Does the master of the house ask the servants to do something? No, he kindly and politely Notices them.
The Financing Statement is the one contract in the world which can not be broken. Since we have unlimited credit with the Fed we can access it through an account. Remember there is no money so it is not as if you can mosy over to the FRB/ BC and get cash. This is for the discharge of public debt only. We are intending to remove ourselves from needing cash so you don’t want to add to the problem by accumulating more. We now control the funds so that the Feds will move figures, entries, and digits for our benefit - no longer for their benefit. By properly filing a Financing Statement (UCC-1/PPSA) we can become the holder in due course of the Strawman. When we are charged, we can simply discharge the charge with our tax exemption. This is commerce - not law. None of the charade. We simply accept the charge for value and return it for discharge, settlement, and closure. Since the claim is pre-paid and our account at the Fed is exempt from levy, the alleged debt goes away - sort of - at least until we have something with which to pay it.
Advantages of filing a UCC / PPSA
Once we file a Financing Statement we can ‘discharge’ any public claim presented to us. If we ‘honour’ the claim by accepting it, we can discharge it. If we ‘dishonour’ the claim (by resisting, fighting, ignoring, arguing) we create a controversy which must be taken into court for resolution. ‘Accepting’ doesn’t mean acquiescing; it means we now control the offer. E.g.: If you have paid the bank £10,000 on a vehicle you think you own and you get behind in the payments, the bank can take the car away from you because you don’t own it. If you show on a Financing Statement that you have invested £10,000 into the vehicle and then got behind in payments, the bank would have to pay you the £10,000 before they take it.
The UCC in article 3, § 505 lists the rights of a party presented with a demand for payment, no matter who the alleged claimant, e.g.: IRS/CRA, or what the claim, e.g.: property tax/income tax. No one can ever show a liability on your part, only a demand for $$$. This is how I have so much fun with the alleged creditors. They continue to send me statements; I continue to demand an invoice, signed under their full, commercial liability and I’ll be happy to settle the accounting, but they never do! To do so would be committing fraud. How can I pay a bill if they won’t send me one?
The Powers-That-Be - the Global Elite
The top 1% of the world has the same combined income as the bottom 57%, and the disparity is growing.
At the top of the decision-making pyramid we have the Ruling Elite. They utilize psychopolitics deliberately to influence all nine steps in the decision-making process. They control every step by: 1. Creating events and predetermining their outcome; 2. Manufacturing event details and controlling the information dissemination infrastructure; 3. Biasing the alarm faculties of common people by the selected dissemination of controlled information;
4. Molding knowledge and belief systems through ‘education’;
5. intentionally providing the children of common people with inferior education through public instruction while Ruling Elite children attend premier schools and colleges; 6. Controlling the emotions of common people through social rhetoric and religious dogma; 7. Enacting rules and egulations that influence common peoples’ decisions based upon expected
rewards and feared punishments; 8. Intimidating the decisions of ordinary people by enforcing codes, rules, and regulations with coercion, the threat of force, torture, fines, or imprisonment; and, 9. Erecting surveillance networks which have the ability to monitor the behaviors and actions of groups and individuals.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. - Thomas Jefferson
Every effort has been made by the Federal Reserve Board to conceal its powers, but the truth is ... the Fed (Federal Reserve System) has usurped the government. It controls everything here (congress) and it
controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will. - Louis McFadden, ex-Chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Currency
The course of history shows as a government grows, liberty decreases. - Thomas Jefferson In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, it was planned that way. - FDR
Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take away everything you have. - Thomas Jefferson
Government is at best a petulant servant and at worst a tyrannical master. - George Washington
NO Liability toward unsigned government contracts!
As none of us signed this contract it doesn’t apply to us. Our ‘charter rights’ are violated with impunity by the privately-owned Anglican Church legal system franchise known as the BAR Association via the Vatican and British Crown.
the 10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto
1. Abolition of private property.
2. Heavy progressive income tax.
3. Abolition of all rights to inheritance.
4. Confiscation of property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. A Central bank
6. Government control of Communications and Transportation
7. Government ownership of factories and agriculture.
8. Government control of labour.
9. Corporate farms, regional planning.
10. Free education for all children in government controlled schools
Democracy is indispensable to Socialism. - V. I. Lenin
Socialism leads to Communism. - Karl Marx
‘Necessity’ is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves. - Wm. Pitt, 1783
Everything the state says is a lie. - Nietzsche
Every government is run by liars and nothing they say should be believed. - I. F. Stone
The average man does not want to be free. He simply wants to be safe. ~ H. L. Mencken
What we do to make ourselves safe eventually creates the situation for our demise. - R. Moss
One who trades freedom for security deserves neither. - Ben Franklin
The nature of psychological compulsion is such that those who act under constraint remain under the impression that they are acting on their own initiative. The victim of mind-manipulation does not know
that he is a victim. To him the walls of his prison are invisible, and he believes himself to be free. That he is not free is apparent only to other people. His servitude is strictly objective. - Aldous Huxley - Brave
New World Revisited, 1958
There is no one so hopelessly enslaved as he who falsely believes he is free. - Goethe
If a nation values anything more than freedom, it will lose its freedom; and the irony of it is that if it is comfort or money that it values more, it will lose that too. W. S. Maugham
It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong. - Voltaire
The marvel of all history is the patience with which men and women submit to burdens unnecessarily laid upon them by their governments. - William H. Borah
We must actively challenge the publicly accepted scope of government authority. - unknown
The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government. - Thomas Jefferson
The ultimate authority ... resides in the people alone... - James Madison, Federalist Paper No. 46
I never would have agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence Agency back in '47 [1947], if I had known it would become the American Gestapo. -- Harry S. Truman (1961)
We must make our choice between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude. If we can prevent the government from wasting the labours of the people under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy. - Thomas Jefferson
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks ... will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless
on the continent their fathers conquered.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. - Thomas Jefferson
Famous Quote by a ROTHSCHILD!
A few who can understand the system (check money and credits) will either be so interested in it’s profits, or so dependent on its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of the people mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear it's burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests. - Rothschild Brothers of London
The government floated a bond against our future earnings by using our birth registrations as the collateral for our ‘promise to pay’. Income tax is just their having ‘educated’ you to pay the interest on the loan YOU lent THEM. When we access our Direct Treasury Accounts, those held at the BC/ FRB under
our SINs/ SSNs, we will no longer ‘have to’ work. Meanwhile, we will continue to:
1. slave-labour for entities which do not exist except for the purpose of profit,
2. do something other than what we were designed to do, and
3. believe that we (extensions of our Creator) are worthless enough to have to pay for our existence.
We are an extension of, not separate from, our Creator.
The ‘System’
The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy, and when you’re inside, and look around, what do you see? Businessmen, Teachers, Lawyers, Carpenters, the very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy.
You have to understand: most of these people are not ready to be unplugged, and many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it. - Morpheus - The Matrix
The only one which I found to be significant and worth remembering was Miranda vs. Arizona, wherein we are told, “... Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.” (read EVERY thing you say WILL be used AGAINST you.) No ‘maybe’ here. This particular supreme court ruling stuck with me as being one of the most important things I could ever learn, and ... I was accurate.
This is the entire purpose of learning to say nothing - learning NOT to contract unwittingly.
Those in Medicine don’t know ‘health’
Those in Schooling don’t know ‘education’
Those in Media don’t know the ‘news’ (what's really going on in the world)
Those in Religion don’t know ‘spirituality’
Those in Finance don’t know ‘commerce’
Those in Legal don’t know ‘law’
Life is quite interesting in parts but no substitute for the real thing. - Douglas Adams
What if God intended to do something and then wondered whether it would work or not? - Dennis Krum.
ZAC you need to get a CREDIT CARD!
I do not owe anything if I borrow credit from a credit card because It is all EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer). There has been no moving of; gold or silver (supposedly what the money is backed by).
I will work for food not money as money does not exist, it is only an illusion to make the physical mind think that something worthwhile is owned. On the other hand, food is bought with illusion and hence substance is worth more than illusion.
How to bring the system crashing down!
Encourage EVERYONE to get a credit card and use it to its limit. The system will fail under the weight of Trying to change those who govern us is a waste of time and energy. The gov’t doesn’t exist; it is a fictitious entity, so the only entities attempting to govern us are simply living souls/ private entities just as we are. They are not the gov’t (as in, “I’m from the gov’t and I’m here to help you.”) If they personally have no claim against us, they have no clout. They must have a claim in order to exact performance from us. We can change either our minds about how we
interpret what they’re doing and not doing, or we can change our status - ideally both, so we are no longer at the effect of those in the business of confiscating our funds. Fortunately, there are ways to do this.
out of love, never mind for what we are not wanting to do.
I know you think you receive something for your hours of labour. You do not. You receive a piece of paper with numbers on it, the date, a ‘dollar’ figure, and a signature. So far, you have received nothing of
value for your labour. Now, take it over to the bank and sign your name on the back, commonly called endorsement, and lo and behold, you receive ‘money’. Nice try. There is no money. What you received are other pieces of paper with more numbers on them. Can you use them? Sort of. If you are smart, you’ll get rid of them as fast as possible, for several reasons: 1. They have no intrinsic value; notes cost pennies to make, no matter what their denomination. It costs the Feds as little to print a $500 note as a $5 note, so your dollar is barely worth the paper its printed on.
2. You are holding debt notes; debt notes carry liability in the form of interest. You will get stuck with the interest on this debt if you don’t trade them for something of value - asap; 3. As long as they are in your possession you have yet to be compensated for your labour. Since
they will do you no good until you trade them, hanging onto them will not serve you.
I am reminded of a Native poem:
Only after the last tree has been cut down
Only after the last river has been poisoned
Only after the last fish has been caught
Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten.
Attachment to anything outside ourselves depletes our peace of mind. Can we ever detach from £££ ?
Since £££ and its use represent the belief that we are separate and in competition with each other, if we were to change our minds about this, then £££ would cease to exist. We simply wouldn’t need it.
The name of their game is to confiscate as much of our property as possible. The feds become more frantic as each day passes as the IMF tightens the screws on them. The fact that interest rates are at an alltime low ought to give one pause. Think about it: low interest rates are prompting us to buy property.
When we are all ‘indebted’ they will hike property taxes and get all ‘their’ property back - unless we know how to stop paying property tax, which is simply a case of declining to do so. Get onto it. I have written my Premier, the Finance Minister, the provincial tax advisor and none has been able to provide me with any law requiring me to pay property taxes.
.... I was seized and put into jail because, as I have elsewhere related, I did not pay a tax to, or recognize the authority of, the ‘state’ which buys and sells men, women, and children like cattle at the door of its senate house. I had gone down to the woods for other purposes but wherever a man goes men will pursue and paw him with their dirty institutions and if they can, constrain him to belong to their desperate odd-fellow society. It is true I might have resisted forcibly with more or less effect, might have run amok against society, but I preferred that society should run amok against me, it being the desperate party. - Henry David Thoreau 1854
There will always be men who will try to talk us out of our freedom. - Rice McLeod
The property will be lost - all because we have been deliberately misled into believing that it was ours and we failed to take the necessary steps to protect it, namely being sure property is in our true lawful names, and discharging the alleged debt which they have made up as a means to onfiscate it. The entire process is their means to take what we think is ours for their ultimate purpose of control. This does not need to happen. It will be via our neglect. All they want is to have their debts ischarged. Only we can do this for them. As long as we ‘pay for’ what we believe to be our debts with debt instruments, their debt becomes only more massive. Already they are saying it is impossible to ‘pay back’; well, of course it is impossible to ‘pay’ because there is nothing with which to pay. It is, however, so simple to discharge; it can be done in an instant.
You might well ask, “Well, if they want us to discharge their debt for them, why don’t they just say so and we’ll be only too happy to comply; then we’d all be happy. Why the subterfuge?” You forget that they want the debt for the sole purpose of confiscating our property for their ultimate control. The fact that we think we laboured for it is more of the same propaganda. All property will revert back to a belligerent foreign corporation, the IMF, and where will we be after we all lose our houses and cars? Dare I say detention camps? Where else will we have to go? Properties are being foreclosed by the thousands every day. Do you still believe it is because we “lived beyond our means”? We never had to pay for any of those things we believed we ‘bought’ anyway; they were already ours. Many of us are filing the correct papers to ensure that what we believe we ‘paid for’ does indeed remain ours. This must be done. If you have not actively recorded your property (including your children and grandchildren) in your true title/name, you will lose your property (and your descendants) ; it is just a question of time. None of this has to occur. We have two ways out and I suggest you begin now to implement them.
The first is to establish your property as your own and the second which is vastly more important is to practise remembering that none of this matters. What does matter is our peace of mind. We must do that
which will grant us the greatest peace and the greatest joy. We must forgive those for what we think they did to us, including the International Banksters (this is blatantly the one I’m working on). We must grant our souls some freedom by knowing that house or no house, we can live in joy.
Thoughts are the energy which creates ... everything. Because we have senses we sense that things are not as we would like them and we
strive to change the circumstances rather than change our thoughts.
Psychotherapists make ‘real’ a traumatic incident by lecturing a client on how to ‘cope’, rather than acknowledging the client’s anxiety and allowing for its release. Their purpose is to make up plans to handle
various situations so the client gets stuck with ‘solutions to problems’ as opposed to being ‘empowered to create’ a perception whereby everyone wins. Too much time and talk and hence, cost is wasted by the
learning of this worthless information when all that’s necessary is to be vigilant, see any and all ostensibly negative situations as the same - the opportunity to heal - and heal them in the NOW - because there is no
time. Rather than many strategies which only reinforce the belief that what is happening is real, there is only one creative answer: acknowledge it, release it and forgive it. Simple, but not easy.
Commerce itself is only a manifestation of what is going on in our minds. Everything is only a manifestation of the energy from our thoughts. We believe we are separate from each other and we believe we are separate from our Creator. The PTB are only reflecting back our beliefs. They are literally ‘laughing all the way to the bank’. Yet they are our saviours because they are teaching us, albeit brutally, in my opinion, that we are to honour our contracts, our word is our bond, and not to make promises we can’t keep.
If there is the slightest doubt in our minds about what we are entering into, we have the authority to reject any offer of contract. This applies to every area of our lives – commonly called, Learning to Say No. If we
dishonour ourselves by contracting when we really don’t want to, there are serious consequences – the main one being our integrity and ethics are compromised. Since this is paramount in our spiritual growth, I say the
feds are just reminding us, however harsh this generally is. If we can regard them in this manner, we can use them to improve our lives by setting our intentions higher.
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