Have a look at this video here
Are somes alarm bells going off yet? The book of Revelations speaks of a number given to man with which to buy and sell. Without the number no buying or selling but eternal life.
Those whom take the number of the beast accept only death and destruction with the rest of those that take the mark.
Is it time to strengthen ourselves for what inevitably will come? The answer is definitely yes.
Peace Yall.
Friday, 16 April 2010
Coping with the Stresses of Life
Sometimes it is hard to get over the problems we face. We hear so many reports of people doing horrific things to one another and the mind boggles with why these things are done.
What makes another man or woman crack to the point of murder?
Book links:
The Illuminati Formula Used To Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave.
By: Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier.
The readers mind is like a garden. It may not be time to plant the truth in your mind. Perhaps you need some weeding or ground preparation, before the garden of your mind is ready. Perhaps the weather is too stormy to plant the truth. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest. The blessings that flow from planting the information of this book in your mind will require the presence of living waters of love. If you do not have love in your heart, this book is not for you. The information contained in this book is the biggest news-story of the 20th century, and still the biggest secret. It will challenge you, shock you, horrify you and hopefully motivate you to redouble your efforts to humble yourself and seek strength from God Almighty.
Fortunately Fritz Springmeier has been jailed for bogus and unfounded reasons because he speaks truth concerning the organizations of the world.
If you cannot find the book online, do a TORRENT search for it.
Take care all of you searching for truth in this horrible system of things.
Peace to all who Thirst for Righteousness sake.
May you be blessed with the peace that excels all thought from the Most Holy of Holies the Soveriegn Lord Jehovah Himself through Jesus Christ our Lord and King. So let it be.
What makes another man or woman crack to the point of murder?
Book links:
The Illuminati Formula Used To Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave.
By: Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier.
The readers mind is like a garden. It may not be time to plant the truth in your mind. Perhaps you need some weeding or ground preparation, before the garden of your mind is ready. Perhaps the weather is too stormy to plant the truth. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest. The blessings that flow from planting the information of this book in your mind will require the presence of living waters of love. If you do not have love in your heart, this book is not for you. The information contained in this book is the biggest news-story of the 20th century, and still the biggest secret. It will challenge you, shock you, horrify you and hopefully motivate you to redouble your efforts to humble yourself and seek strength from God Almighty.
Fortunately Fritz Springmeier has been jailed for bogus and unfounded reasons because he speaks truth concerning the organizations of the world.
If you cannot find the book online, do a TORRENT search for it.
Take care all of you searching for truth in this horrible system of things.
Peace to all who Thirst for Righteousness sake.
May you be blessed with the peace that excels all thought from the Most Holy of Holies the Soveriegn Lord Jehovah Himself through Jesus Christ our Lord and King. So let it be.
Get Out Of HER My People - Babylon the Great - World Religion
What of signs and symbols. Who is BABYLON THE GREAT?
The Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church. It is not for me to say only that GOD's word gives signs as to how to know that the vatican rules as a kingdom over the kings of the earth.
She has a cup full of disgusting things, plagues and violence she has brought upon makind whom has not succumbed to her influences.
Remember the scripture, get out her my people if you do not want to share in her sins and recieve part of her plagues.
She is about to be completely destroyed.
I own no alleigance to organisations on this earth. They are all a snare and aracket to put it as one man said long ago.
You do not need an organziation to know and worship the Sovereign Lord Creator Yahweh,Yehovah.
The faithful and discreet always provides food at the proper time.
Who is the faithful and discreet slave? Who was faithful even til death? And died so that all men might have life eternal? Do you know?
I do not consider myself to be faithful or discreet. Many many badnesses I have done in my life. If errors where what GOD see's none would stand.
So I am in love with my Creator because He knows I am dust, worthless in of myself.
Jesus Christ Yeshua is coming quickly to reap vengeance upon this wicked world and its rulers, have no doubts, the end is nearly here.
Peace and Love to all who seek the truth.
Dig for it as for hidden treasure. Knock on the heavens door through prayer until you receive an answer. Keep on knocking and digging, then you will be sure to find the VERY KNOWLEDGE OF GOD.
The Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church. It is not for me to say only that GOD's word gives signs as to how to know that the vatican rules as a kingdom over the kings of the earth.
She has a cup full of disgusting things, plagues and violence she has brought upon makind whom has not succumbed to her influences.
Remember the scripture, get out her my people if you do not want to share in her sins and recieve part of her plagues.
She is about to be completely destroyed.
I own no alleigance to organisations on this earth. They are all a snare and aracket to put it as one man said long ago.
You do not need an organziation to know and worship the Sovereign Lord Creator Yahweh,Yehovah.
The faithful and discreet always provides food at the proper time.
Who is the faithful and discreet slave? Who was faithful even til death? And died so that all men might have life eternal? Do you know?
I do not consider myself to be faithful or discreet. Many many badnesses I have done in my life. If errors where what GOD see's none would stand.
So I am in love with my Creator because He knows I am dust, worthless in of myself.
Jesus Christ Yeshua is coming quickly to reap vengeance upon this wicked world and its rulers, have no doubts, the end is nearly here.
Peace and Love to all who seek the truth.
Dig for it as for hidden treasure. Knock on the heavens door through prayer until you receive an answer. Keep on knocking and digging, then you will be sure to find the VERY KNOWLEDGE OF GOD.
Simplicity Itself
In a world full of wonder and beauty, so full of awesome things and glorious appeal, why does an underlying motive exist that permeates society in such a way as to remove all happiness from the joys of the earth and change it therefore into a hated thing?
Is what we think about life really what life is all about? Do we have the real life securing answers, to the many perplexing questions about life?
One thing that I hear on a regular basis is people asking 'what is the meaning to life'. Personally I find their questions to be the same, person by person, the question never changes from person to person, it is always the same.
I feel awkward in this regard as I understand the meaning of life, letting them know how I percieve the meaning of life to be, but the putting of it into practice on a daily basis eludes me.
What is the meaning to life?
The meaning to life is to get to know the all powerful creator, what he or she likes, what he or she does not like and and then do them things that which bring them pleasure and abstain from those which cause them pain.
I like to rephrase the questions and say 'why was I made and why did you choose to make me?'
Why do so many people not look for the answers to these questions? Because they percieve that there is no real answer, that they can never know or understand the answer to the question. That is one reason why so many never understand this simple and basic answer to their question.
We as human being like to complicate things. Simplicity is just too simple and so we complicate things so as to make ourselves look good in front of others. We have an ego and therefore feed our own ego, which is a vey bad thing to do, for it pushes us away from really attaining the answers to our lives.
Simplicity is always the best way to learn. As a child learns is how we should learn. Children always want to know why. Why this and why that and why the other. Children ask what they think is a simple question, yet to us adults it seems to be the most complicated answer and we think that children will not understand the answers so we shoo them away until we think that they would be intelligent enough to understand the answer. Does our thinking capabilities lack then? Should we not try to answer the childs question with as simple an answer as possible. Then we would understand the answer ourselves and true knowledge would become easier to recognise.
Such ideas would be considered to be thinking of folly. This though is not the case with those whom have found real meaning and real truth in the discoveries about life and our existence.
Personally i have adopted this mental attitude. Think like a child when learning and questioning and simplicity itself reveals the answers I seek.
Is what we think about life really what life is all about? Do we have the real life securing answers, to the many perplexing questions about life?
One thing that I hear on a regular basis is people asking 'what is the meaning to life'. Personally I find their questions to be the same, person by person, the question never changes from person to person, it is always the same.
I feel awkward in this regard as I understand the meaning of life, letting them know how I percieve the meaning of life to be, but the putting of it into practice on a daily basis eludes me.
What is the meaning to life?
The meaning to life is to get to know the all powerful creator, what he or she likes, what he or she does not like and and then do them things that which bring them pleasure and abstain from those which cause them pain.
I like to rephrase the questions and say 'why was I made and why did you choose to make me?'
Why do so many people not look for the answers to these questions? Because they percieve that there is no real answer, that they can never know or understand the answer to the question. That is one reason why so many never understand this simple and basic answer to their question.
We as human being like to complicate things. Simplicity is just too simple and so we complicate things so as to make ourselves look good in front of others. We have an ego and therefore feed our own ego, which is a vey bad thing to do, for it pushes us away from really attaining the answers to our lives.
Simplicity is always the best way to learn. As a child learns is how we should learn. Children always want to know why. Why this and why that and why the other. Children ask what they think is a simple question, yet to us adults it seems to be the most complicated answer and we think that children will not understand the answers so we shoo them away until we think that they would be intelligent enough to understand the answer. Does our thinking capabilities lack then? Should we not try to answer the childs question with as simple an answer as possible. Then we would understand the answer ourselves and true knowledge would become easier to recognise.
Such ideas would be considered to be thinking of folly. This though is not the case with those whom have found real meaning and real truth in the discoveries about life and our existence.
Personally i have adopted this mental attitude. Think like a child when learning and questioning and simplicity itself reveals the answers I seek.
Money is not the ALL important thing....
In an imperfect world there are many pitfalls to avoid. Some are easily seen and others are unseen; the many would stumble without seeing with their minds, what has been in store for them, the spiritually deaf and blind.
Some things are understood as Natural Disasters and why are they named thus?
If by any chance the spirirt world knows, the earth is such a massive place the wicked only know.
Earthquakes en mass and tidal wave, crush millions over time, mans greedy hunger for a thing that was given to all for free. The demons would have us believe that we are all gods. Governments are ruled by demons, they have as their puppet men who have murdered for worldy riches that do not mean anything really, believing that they will have riches when they only have eternal death.
Sometimes I wonder why people look to only physical pleasure.
There exist so much more when a simplistic life is walked. The eye must be simple to understand what is happening in the world.
I laugh so much at the politicians, its like watching eastenders not, that I watch eastender much, they speak utter nonsense when you analyse their words. The use of words make people believe lies. People are easily deceived. The Bible is so cool, collected and full of wondrous information for the right hearted. Look into it to understand where your life is going and where it could go if you only knew.
I may speak nonsense to some and you may think I am just another rambling christian. I am not babtised into any faith. I was born free of anything we know as faith, neither christened or blessed. No black taint of belonging do I posess in the worlds deceiving churches. Yet I know from experience that Yehovah or Yahweh as other know Him to be, exists. His representative Jesus or Yeshua as some may know him is our intermedary between us and our Creator. YHVH is the sole purposer of all things good. There are many badnesses that are acribed to YHVH and yet people are ignorant at most from the knowledge that these demons that cause all of this havoc on earth are also know to be called gods of the world and are worshipped the way they want in this imperfect world.
The churches have been the biggest money grabbing business in the world to keep people enslaved. The churches have made God into an evil being and yet the demons that cause it really are not made known about and are spoken in hushed tones amongst the secretive orders.
The big picture is, this world's system is going into total meltdown. The system is crashing for a reason, prophecy dictates truth, truth is all apparent when one can see. Did you know that you have another eye just left of your forehead centre behind your left eye. A literal third eye. Our eyes are really positioned in the back of our heads, the lenses are postitioned at the front and transmit information to the back of the head to the nerve centres that control dimesions, time and space. People can have eyes and still be totally blind. People can be able to see physically and yet still be totally blind.
Stop thinking about riches and money, posessions. The sovereign states have known since the dawn of evil how to become wealthy. The end is nigh and that why thy are now corrupted.
Politicians are clowns in a circus act. Statutes are commercial jargon and only exist under GOD's YHVH Law because they are a product of this evil world. When things are rectified and they will be soon, those that have understanding will inherit the earth. Those that listen also, they will live forever. Those that refuse to look and see what the Bible really says instead of listening to a preachers spout on about what it says will never find out what the meaning of life is and how to change it.
Peace out. Love.
Some things are understood as Natural Disasters and why are they named thus?
If by any chance the spirirt world knows, the earth is such a massive place the wicked only know.
Earthquakes en mass and tidal wave, crush millions over time, mans greedy hunger for a thing that was given to all for free. The demons would have us believe that we are all gods. Governments are ruled by demons, they have as their puppet men who have murdered for worldy riches that do not mean anything really, believing that they will have riches when they only have eternal death.
Sometimes I wonder why people look to only physical pleasure.
There exist so much more when a simplistic life is walked. The eye must be simple to understand what is happening in the world.
I laugh so much at the politicians, its like watching eastenders not, that I watch eastender much, they speak utter nonsense when you analyse their words. The use of words make people believe lies. People are easily deceived. The Bible is so cool, collected and full of wondrous information for the right hearted. Look into it to understand where your life is going and where it could go if you only knew.
I may speak nonsense to some and you may think I am just another rambling christian. I am not babtised into any faith. I was born free of anything we know as faith, neither christened or blessed. No black taint of belonging do I posess in the worlds deceiving churches. Yet I know from experience that Yehovah or Yahweh as other know Him to be, exists. His representative Jesus or Yeshua as some may know him is our intermedary between us and our Creator. YHVH is the sole purposer of all things good. There are many badnesses that are acribed to YHVH and yet people are ignorant at most from the knowledge that these demons that cause all of this havoc on earth are also know to be called gods of the world and are worshipped the way they want in this imperfect world.
The churches have been the biggest money grabbing business in the world to keep people enslaved. The churches have made God into an evil being and yet the demons that cause it really are not made known about and are spoken in hushed tones amongst the secretive orders.
The big picture is, this world's system is going into total meltdown. The system is crashing for a reason, prophecy dictates truth, truth is all apparent when one can see. Did you know that you have another eye just left of your forehead centre behind your left eye. A literal third eye. Our eyes are really positioned in the back of our heads, the lenses are postitioned at the front and transmit information to the back of the head to the nerve centres that control dimesions, time and space. People can have eyes and still be totally blind. People can be able to see physically and yet still be totally blind.
Stop thinking about riches and money, posessions. The sovereign states have known since the dawn of evil how to become wealthy. The end is nigh and that why thy are now corrupted.
Politicians are clowns in a circus act. Statutes are commercial jargon and only exist under GOD's YHVH Law because they are a product of this evil world. When things are rectified and they will be soon, those that have understanding will inherit the earth. Those that listen also, they will live forever. Those that refuse to look and see what the Bible really says instead of listening to a preachers spout on about what it says will never find out what the meaning of life is and how to change it.
Peace out. Love.
The Antichrist is upon us
The anitichrist is upon us......now to battle all brothers and sisters. To battle....some will go into captivity and some by the edge of the sword, but those who are knwing their GOD will prevail.
Was the original Christ not of a different colour than white. people born is israel are not classed as white people.
Wake up people please. The END of all life is upon us.
I cry to think of what is in store for faithful ones. To meet and speak with Noah and Moses, John the Babtist and Ruth. What it must have been life for David to kill Goliath.
A time of wonder is nearly here. Open your eyes of Faith and praise Jehovah or Yahweh YHVH for his almightness and wisdom.
I do not care if you want to ridicule me for whatever you feel, I know what i am awaiting. It is beyond compare to this lie we all are living.
Was the original Christ not of a different colour than white. people born is israel are not classed as white people.
Wake up people please. The END of all life is upon us.
I cry to think of what is in store for faithful ones. To meet and speak with Noah and Moses, John the Babtist and Ruth. What it must have been life for David to kill Goliath.
A time of wonder is nearly here. Open your eyes of Faith and praise Jehovah or Yahweh YHVH for his almightness and wisdom.
I do not care if you want to ridicule me for whatever you feel, I know what i am awaiting. It is beyond compare to this lie we all are living.
Swine Flu Vaccination - Death in a Needle
Hey all on planet earth, I would like to say hi to you and peace to you all.
Some people would not think the way I think about you. I only want to help. There are things that happen for a reason and sometimes they do not HAVE to happen.
I have an urgent message to you, most of you anyhow. You like to watch television and listen to the radio so this is good for you as there are some home truth's regarding the people who are supposed to care about you.
Nurses in ENGLAND will not be taking the swine flu vaccine. The reason being is that it has not been tested.
Please watch this video as it mentions details as to WHY they will not be taking the vaccine.
If this injection is to help our immune systems, why are the people who know about medicine not taking it? Won't they die a excruciatingly PAINFUL DEATH? They are the ones who have all the knowledge of this vaccine, they know what is in it.
Listen to the comments regarding the 1976 flu vaccine and then think about your safety and that of your CHILDREN.
The SOCIAL CARE system does not want you. Notice how every turn they are involved in criminal proceedings like, the BABY P TRAGEDY.
Some though will not watch this news coverage and take NOTICE, some will pretend its all a joke and DIE.
Maybe this sounds a little depressing. I have a poem for you that will explain why I have brought this to YOUR ATTENTION!
Some people would not think the way I think about you. I only want to help. There are things that happen for a reason and sometimes they do not HAVE to happen.
I have an urgent message to you, most of you anyhow. You like to watch television and listen to the radio so this is good for you as there are some home truth's regarding the people who are supposed to care about you.
Nurses in ENGLAND will not be taking the swine flu vaccine. The reason being is that it has not been tested.
Please watch this video as it mentions details as to WHY they will not be taking the vaccine.
If this injection is to help our immune systems, why are the people who know about medicine not taking it? Won't they die a excruciatingly PAINFUL DEATH? They are the ones who have all the knowledge of this vaccine, they know what is in it.
Listen to the comments regarding the 1976 flu vaccine and then think about your safety and that of your CHILDREN.
The SOCIAL CARE system does not want you. Notice how every turn they are involved in criminal proceedings like, the BABY P TRAGEDY.
Some though will not watch this news coverage and take NOTICE, some will pretend its all a joke and DIE.
Maybe this sounds a little depressing. I have a poem for you that will explain why I have brought this to YOUR ATTENTION!
Against the Structured World....
In my time as a researcher into the state of world affairs I have gathered numerous documents that have been officially stamped by our governing powers regarding population reduction. It comes across to me that the solution is to kill those that make these policies. Baring teeth We have the mass genocide of Rwandans during the ethnic cleansing that went on during the 80s and 90s which was backed by British power structures.
The mou tse tung ruler ship in china which was backed by major and leading political figures in America and Britain. Millions of people, Innocent people have lost their lives Broken heart because of the greed of these men and women who have no affection for anyone but themselves.
We are constantly told that terrorism is rife and rampant,Sarcastic the mass media makes mention daily about the (invisible) war on terrorism.
The perpetrators of this mass hysteria are the one behind the terror attacks.
Their are various conspiracy theories circulating the globe as this blog is being written for instance to take one that has not been fully investigated by our sovereign state is the conspiracy of who killed Princess Diane:Camera
Knowing what I do about oligarchy and hidden rule, it does not surprise me that the very ones who are shouting about the murders are the very perpetrators of these acts.
If a person would only research the historical facts of the places where the murders of Dodi AL Fied and princess Diane took place and the people who are members of various druidic circles, it would not be hard or difficult to understand their reason for committing such atrocities.
In druid religion once a circle or ritual sacrifice ground has been sanctified, it stays a sanctified place for sacrifice whether new buildings are erected on the site.
The Georgia Guide stones are another facet of what the global political parties agenda is. (If you have not heard of the Georgia Guide stones then please go to The Georgia Guide stones.
The agenda of the mass oligarchy is total mass murder. If you do not wake up to this fact then you deserve the very fate they have in store for you sheep.Black Sheep
It is my desire on this site to start a global awakening to the real issues in this world and not to just stand idly by whilst these agenda are put into operation.
The government employ a 3 fold process to incur their new world agendas: it is called the Cause, Reaction, Solution plan.
They cause a problem that brings about public concern then come in with a plan to sort the problem out which they caused.
My thoughts are that the politician should be mass culled.Baring teeth
Guy Fawkes had the right idea.
Our government is SUPPOSED to be here for the people and to uphold the peoples issues. Since the invisible powers took over our government the peoples issues have been swept under the carpet. My solution would be to executeWilted rose the ones not doing the job for us properly.
When something does not work, a new something has to be placed there. The political structure as we know it has to be removed. The mass capitalists of this world need to be brought down a peg or two, their wealth redistributed to the masses and their power structure and ability to claim large amounts of money be suffocated.
Over the next coming months I will be meeting with fellow patriots to organise a coup.
The 1st stage is to bring the country to its knees destroying the electricity supply. As this blog is being written plans have already been placed into effect.
We are told that the police service is here to serve and protect (serve and protect whom?). It certainly does not serve and protect us the common man yet strives to protect the richest and most powerful men in this country. We are told that if we do not give our name when asked by the police that we can be arrested. This is a gross breach of the law as probable cause must be found first before this process can be achieved, (that means that they must have some form of proof that illegal actions have taken place).
The powers that be are slowly but surely turning us into prisoners in our own homes.
Hitler did this in the 2nd world war.
Another issue is FLUORIDE in the water:
We are told that fluoride protects against gum disease by the so called professionals in this country and yet after 100's of tests that have proven that fluoride is actually poisoning us they still continue to have it injected into our water supply, not that we can get away from it as it is even put in watery foods that are sold over the counter.
Fluoride destroys the outer wall membranes of our brains and limits the amount of information processing that the brain is capable of doing. It causes stress related disorders and kills mercilessly those that have no immunity against it,.
The water companies even want you to pay for the service of having water supplied (most people do not care about their own lives to research what fluoride actually does to their bodies and brains) and their agenda is to wipe us out and to dumb the population down.
And we have to pay them for the service as well.
Rich and well to do people do not drink fluoridated water.
My plan is to inject biological pathogens into their water supply,Wink they use stealthy techniques behind our backs and up front are pretending to care about the situations we are facing.
There is a saying in life "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer".
It is now time to start wiping the rich and famous people out of existence for their crimes against humanity.
Tony Blair who is recognised in many circle as being a 33 degree Freemason advanced the world agenda on mass depopulation, he now is running the position of global ambassador after he wrecked this country like the stupid bitch Margaret thatcher did. Will Tony Blair be knighted like Maggie thatcher was. It seem to me that those who take the law into their own hands and get away with it are rewarded for their deviousness. Margaret Thatcher and co including Tony Blair should be killedWilted rose and chopped up into small and sent to the rich people of this world as evidence that their rule will not be tolerated anymore.
We are given everything that we want so that we have no time to see the real issues going on in our countries, wake up people, start militia groups, get armed and become dangerous, mass together as one against our common enemy, the state and its ruling parties. There have been political debauchery in our history over the past 20 years, politicians who have stolen money from the country and have not been jailed and punished but given jobs elsewhere in the sector.
The idea of weapons of mass destruction being in Iraq was a guise to start a war for oil. No weapons have been found still to this day and yet the war is till ongoing, innocent people are still losing their lives because of these greedy people.
We in this country have weapons of mass destruction, why are we allowed to keep them, why are the nuclear weapons still being manufactured by our warmongering weapons companies.
Lets use their tactics against them. Lets blow up their facilities with dirty bombs and chemical weapons. Any serious anti terrorist can gain the information on how to achieve this off the Internet. This is one reason why the Internet is being scanned constantly because the ruling classes know that they are not innocent of the the crimes against humanity and they know that others not associated with them know they are responsible for these crimes and they are frightened of what the outcome may be.
I can no longer keep quite about the thoughts that go through my mind, I am one amongst thousands who think this way. My only stopping point is my desire to please my Heavenly Father. Christianity is being systematically wiped out for a new world religion. Islamic extreme right wing officials have stood up and condemned the British population and have not been held accountable. Though when a Brit speaks up against these Islamic Clerics, they are shunned as being political hate speakers.
Muslim history is inundated which butchery and crimes again humanity and yet we still tolerate their extreme views without vengeance. The time has come to remove these heretics against our Sovereign Lord and Heavenly Father and never make mention of them again in history.
Behead them like they behead us.
The mou tse tung ruler ship in china which was backed by major and leading political figures in America and Britain. Millions of people, Innocent people have lost their lives Broken heart because of the greed of these men and women who have no affection for anyone but themselves.
We are constantly told that terrorism is rife and rampant,Sarcastic the mass media makes mention daily about the (invisible) war on terrorism.
The perpetrators of this mass hysteria are the one behind the terror attacks.
Their are various conspiracy theories circulating the globe as this blog is being written for instance to take one that has not been fully investigated by our sovereign state is the conspiracy of who killed Princess Diane:Camera
Knowing what I do about oligarchy and hidden rule, it does not surprise me that the very ones who are shouting about the murders are the very perpetrators of these acts.
If a person would only research the historical facts of the places where the murders of Dodi AL Fied and princess Diane took place and the people who are members of various druidic circles, it would not be hard or difficult to understand their reason for committing such atrocities.
In druid religion once a circle or ritual sacrifice ground has been sanctified, it stays a sanctified place for sacrifice whether new buildings are erected on the site.
The Georgia Guide stones are another facet of what the global political parties agenda is. (If you have not heard of the Georgia Guide stones then please go to The Georgia Guide stones.
The agenda of the mass oligarchy is total mass murder. If you do not wake up to this fact then you deserve the very fate they have in store for you sheep.Black Sheep
It is my desire on this site to start a global awakening to the real issues in this world and not to just stand idly by whilst these agenda are put into operation.
The government employ a 3 fold process to incur their new world agendas: it is called the Cause, Reaction, Solution plan.
They cause a problem that brings about public concern then come in with a plan to sort the problem out which they caused.
My thoughts are that the politician should be mass culled.Baring teeth
Guy Fawkes had the right idea.
Our government is SUPPOSED to be here for the people and to uphold the peoples issues. Since the invisible powers took over our government the peoples issues have been swept under the carpet. My solution would be to executeWilted rose the ones not doing the job for us properly.
When something does not work, a new something has to be placed there. The political structure as we know it has to be removed. The mass capitalists of this world need to be brought down a peg or two, their wealth redistributed to the masses and their power structure and ability to claim large amounts of money be suffocated.
Over the next coming months I will be meeting with fellow patriots to organise a coup.
The 1st stage is to bring the country to its knees destroying the electricity supply. As this blog is being written plans have already been placed into effect.
We are told that the police service is here to serve and protect (serve and protect whom?). It certainly does not serve and protect us the common man yet strives to protect the richest and most powerful men in this country. We are told that if we do not give our name when asked by the police that we can be arrested. This is a gross breach of the law as probable cause must be found first before this process can be achieved, (that means that they must have some form of proof that illegal actions have taken place).
The powers that be are slowly but surely turning us into prisoners in our own homes.
Hitler did this in the 2nd world war.
Another issue is FLUORIDE in the water:
We are told that fluoride protects against gum disease by the so called professionals in this country and yet after 100's of tests that have proven that fluoride is actually poisoning us they still continue to have it injected into our water supply, not that we can get away from it as it is even put in watery foods that are sold over the counter.
Fluoride destroys the outer wall membranes of our brains and limits the amount of information processing that the brain is capable of doing. It causes stress related disorders and kills mercilessly those that have no immunity against it,.
The water companies even want you to pay for the service of having water supplied (most people do not care about their own lives to research what fluoride actually does to their bodies and brains) and their agenda is to wipe us out and to dumb the population down.
And we have to pay them for the service as well.
Rich and well to do people do not drink fluoridated water.
My plan is to inject biological pathogens into their water supply,Wink they use stealthy techniques behind our backs and up front are pretending to care about the situations we are facing.
There is a saying in life "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer".
It is now time to start wiping the rich and famous people out of existence for their crimes against humanity.
Tony Blair who is recognised in many circle as being a 33 degree Freemason advanced the world agenda on mass depopulation, he now is running the position of global ambassador after he wrecked this country like the stupid bitch Margaret thatcher did. Will Tony Blair be knighted like Maggie thatcher was. It seem to me that those who take the law into their own hands and get away with it are rewarded for their deviousness. Margaret Thatcher and co including Tony Blair should be killedWilted rose and chopped up into small and sent to the rich people of this world as evidence that their rule will not be tolerated anymore.
We are given everything that we want so that we have no time to see the real issues going on in our countries, wake up people, start militia groups, get armed and become dangerous, mass together as one against our common enemy, the state and its ruling parties. There have been political debauchery in our history over the past 20 years, politicians who have stolen money from the country and have not been jailed and punished but given jobs elsewhere in the sector.
The idea of weapons of mass destruction being in Iraq was a guise to start a war for oil. No weapons have been found still to this day and yet the war is till ongoing, innocent people are still losing their lives because of these greedy people.
We in this country have weapons of mass destruction, why are we allowed to keep them, why are the nuclear weapons still being manufactured by our warmongering weapons companies.
Lets use their tactics against them. Lets blow up their facilities with dirty bombs and chemical weapons. Any serious anti terrorist can gain the information on how to achieve this off the Internet. This is one reason why the Internet is being scanned constantly because the ruling classes know that they are not innocent of the the crimes against humanity and they know that others not associated with them know they are responsible for these crimes and they are frightened of what the outcome may be.
I can no longer keep quite about the thoughts that go through my mind, I am one amongst thousands who think this way. My only stopping point is my desire to please my Heavenly Father. Christianity is being systematically wiped out for a new world religion. Islamic extreme right wing officials have stood up and condemned the British population and have not been held accountable. Though when a Brit speaks up against these Islamic Clerics, they are shunned as being political hate speakers.
Muslim history is inundated which butchery and crimes again humanity and yet we still tolerate their extreme views without vengeance. The time has come to remove these heretics against our Sovereign Lord and Heavenly Father and never make mention of them again in history.
Behead them like they behead us.
Internet 2
Internet 2
The Biggest Mistake
To all sparkles and lights the internet to some is a place of fellowship, to others it is a place to get ideas, for others a place just to be someone. Whatever way we use the internet is specific to each of our needs, but the internet is soon going to change.
At the moment there is freedom of speech and freedom of rights as the internet on the whole cannot be monitored, yes there are organizations that supposedly monitor for terrorist activity but what do they actually do? Do they stop terrorist activity? Not really because terrorism is on the climb.
Law introduced for our supposed benefit when in fact they deceptively enslave us more and more.
INTERNET 2 is a new strategy of the big corporate few to control and maintain what people are thinking and talking about. When internet 2 comes into its own there will not be any free expression with which to identify ourselves with, no there will not be anymore social networking as we see it at the moment. There will only be hubs where a few programs and a few social sites can be accessed. Place such as YOUTUBE and GOOGLE VIDEO will be toned down in their knowledge. Useful information will be removed and only useless information will be left online.
We are being made into mind controlled sheep incapable of thinking outside the box. The power elite know that they are open to attack and few in number so they need to incorporate INTERNET 2 mainframe into the consciousness of people who use the internet.
Fox News Discusses Internet 2
The Death of The Internet
These are just a few examples of INTERNET 2. I will suggest to anyone reading this blog to go and find other sites which speak of the threat of shutting down the internet as we know it.
'Those who are willing to give up rights for security, deserve neither'
The Biggest Mistake
To all sparkles and lights the internet to some is a place of fellowship, to others it is a place to get ideas, for others a place just to be someone. Whatever way we use the internet is specific to each of our needs, but the internet is soon going to change.
At the moment there is freedom of speech and freedom of rights as the internet on the whole cannot be monitored, yes there are organizations that supposedly monitor for terrorist activity but what do they actually do? Do they stop terrorist activity? Not really because terrorism is on the climb.
Law introduced for our supposed benefit when in fact they deceptively enslave us more and more.
INTERNET 2 is a new strategy of the big corporate few to control and maintain what people are thinking and talking about. When internet 2 comes into its own there will not be any free expression with which to identify ourselves with, no there will not be anymore social networking as we see it at the moment. There will only be hubs where a few programs and a few social sites can be accessed. Place such as YOUTUBE and GOOGLE VIDEO will be toned down in their knowledge. Useful information will be removed and only useless information will be left online.
We are being made into mind controlled sheep incapable of thinking outside the box. The power elite know that they are open to attack and few in number so they need to incorporate INTERNET 2 mainframe into the consciousness of people who use the internet.
Internet2 is the foremost U.S. advanced networking consortium. Led by the research and education community since 1996, Internet2 promotes the missions of its members by providing both leading-edge network capabilities and unique partnership opportunities that together facilitate the development, deployment and use of revolutionary Internet technologies.
By bringing research and academia together with technology leaders from industry, government and the international community, Internet2 promotes collaboration and innovation that has a fundamental impact on the future of the Internet.
Fox News Discusses Internet 2
The Death of The Internet
These are just a few examples of INTERNET 2. I will suggest to anyone reading this blog to go and find other sites which speak of the threat of shutting down the internet as we know it.
'Those who are willing to give up rights for security, deserve neither'
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