Friday, 16 April 2010

Money is not the ALL important thing....

In an imperfect world there are many pitfalls to avoid. Some are easily seen and others are unseen; the many would stumble without seeing with their minds, what has been in store for them, the spiritually deaf and blind.
Some things are understood as Natural Disasters and why are they named thus?

If by any chance the spirirt world knows, the earth is such a massive place the wicked only know.
Earthquakes en mass and tidal wave, crush millions over time, mans greedy hunger for a thing that was given to all for free. The demons would have us believe that we are all gods. Governments are ruled by demons, they have as their puppet men who have murdered for worldy riches that do not mean anything really, believing that they will have riches when they only have eternal death.
Sometimes I wonder why people look to only physical pleasure.
There exist so much more when a simplistic life is walked. The eye must be simple to understand what is happening in the world.

I laugh so much at the politicians, its like watching eastenders not, that I watch eastender much, they speak utter nonsense when you analyse their words. The use of words make people believe lies. People are easily deceived. The Bible is so cool, collected and full of wondrous information for the right hearted. Look into it to understand where your life is going and where it could go if you only knew.

I may speak nonsense to some and you may think I am just another rambling christian. I am not babtised into any faith. I was born free of anything we know as faith, neither christened or blessed. No black taint of belonging do I posess in the worlds deceiving churches. Yet I know from experience that Yehovah or Yahweh as other know Him to be, exists. His representative Jesus or Yeshua as some may know him is our intermedary between us and our Creator. YHVH is the sole purposer of all things good. There are many badnesses that are acribed to YHVH and yet people are ignorant at most from the knowledge that these demons that cause all of this havoc on earth are also know to be called gods of the world and are worshipped the way they want in this imperfect world.
The churches have been the biggest money grabbing business in the world to keep people enslaved. The churches have made God into an evil being and yet the demons that cause it really are not made known about and are spoken in hushed tones amongst the secretive orders.

The big picture is, this world's system is going into total meltdown. The system is crashing for a reason, prophecy dictates truth, truth is all apparent when one can see. Did you know that you have another eye just left of your forehead centre behind your left eye. A literal third eye. Our eyes are really positioned in the back of our heads, the lenses are postitioned at the front and transmit information to the back of the head to the nerve centres that control dimesions, time and space. People can have eyes and still be totally blind. People can be able to see physically and yet still be totally blind.

Stop thinking about riches and money, posessions. The sovereign states have known since the dawn of evil how to become wealthy. The end is nigh and that why thy are now corrupted.

Politicians are clowns in a circus act. Statutes are commercial jargon and only exist under GOD's YHVH Law because they are a product of this evil world. When things are rectified and they will be soon, those that have understanding will inherit the earth. Those that listen also, they will live forever. Those that refuse to look and see what the Bible really says instead of listening to a preachers spout on about what it says will never find out what the meaning of life is and how to change it.

Peace out. Love.

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