Friday, 16 April 2010

Against the Structured World....

In my time as a researcher into the state of world affairs I have gathered numerous documents that have been officially stamped by our governing powers regarding population reduction. It comes across to me that the solution is to kill those that make these policies. Baring teeth We have the mass genocide of Rwandans during the ethnic cleansing that went on during the 80s and 90s which was backed by British power structures.
The mou tse tung ruler ship in china which was backed by major and leading political figures in America and Britain. Millions of people, Innocent people have lost their lives Broken heart because of the greed of these men and women who have no affection for anyone but themselves.

We are constantly told that terrorism is rife and rampant,Sarcastic the mass media makes mention daily about the (invisible) war on terrorism.
The perpetrators of this mass hysteria are the one behind the terror attacks.
Their are various conspiracy theories circulating the globe as this blog is being written for instance to take one that has not been fully investigated by our sovereign state is the conspiracy of who killed Princess Diane:Camera

Knowing what I do about oligarchy and hidden rule, it does not surprise me that the very ones who are shouting about the murders are the very perpetrators of these acts.
If a person would only research the historical facts of the places where the murders of Dodi AL Fied and princess Diane took place and the people who are members of various druidic circles, it would not be hard or difficult to understand their reason for committing such atrocities.
In druid religion once a circle or ritual sacrifice ground has been sanctified, it stays a sanctified place for sacrifice whether new buildings are erected on the site.
The Georgia Guide stones are another facet of what the global political parties agenda is. (If you have not heard of the Georgia Guide stones then please go to The Georgia Guide stones.

The agenda of the mass oligarchy is total mass murder. If you do not wake up to this fact then you deserve the very fate they have in store for you sheep.Black Sheep

It is my desire on this site to start a global awakening to the real issues in this world and not to just stand idly by whilst these agenda are put into operation.
The government employ a 3 fold process to incur their new world agendas: it is called the Cause, Reaction, Solution plan.

They cause a problem that brings about public concern then come in with a plan to sort the problem out which they caused.
My thoughts are that the politician should be mass culled.Baring teeth
Guy Fawkes had the right idea.
Our government is SUPPOSED to be here for the people and to uphold the peoples issues. Since the invisible powers took over our government the peoples issues have been swept under the carpet. My solution would be to executeWilted rose the ones not doing the job for us properly.
When something does not work, a new something has to be placed there. The political structure as we know it has to be removed. The mass capitalists of this world need to be brought down a peg or two, their wealth redistributed to the masses and their power structure and ability to claim large amounts of money be suffocated.

Over the next coming months I will be meeting with fellow patriots to organise a coup.
The 1st stage is to bring the country to its knees destroying the electricity supply. As this blog is being written plans have already been placed into effect.
We are told that the police service is here to serve and protect (serve and protect whom?). It certainly does not serve and protect us the common man yet strives to protect the richest and most powerful men in this country. We are told that if we do not give our name when asked by the police that we can be arrested. This is a gross breach of the law as probable cause must be found first before this process can be achieved, (that means that they must have some form of proof that illegal actions have taken place).
The powers that be are slowly but surely turning us into prisoners in our own homes.

Hitler did this in the 2nd world war.

Another issue is FLUORIDE in the water:

We are told that fluoride protects against gum disease by the so called professionals in this country and yet after 100's of tests that have proven that fluoride is actually poisoning us they still continue to have it injected into our water supply, not that we can get away from it as it is even put in watery foods that are sold over the counter.
Fluoride destroys the outer wall membranes of our brains and limits the amount of information processing that the brain is capable of doing. It causes stress related disorders and kills mercilessly those that have no immunity against it,.
The water companies even want you to pay for the service of having water supplied (most people do not care about their own lives to research what fluoride actually does to their bodies and brains) and their agenda is to wipe us out and to dumb the population down.
And we have to pay them for the service as well.

Rich and well to do people do not drink fluoridated water.
My plan is to inject biological pathogens into their water supply,Wink they use stealthy techniques behind our backs and up front are pretending to care about the situations we are facing.
There is a saying in life "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer".
It is now time to start wiping the rich and famous people out of existence for their crimes against humanity.

Tony Blair who is recognised in many circle as being a 33 degree Freemason advanced the world agenda on mass depopulation, he now is running the position of global ambassador after he wrecked this country like the stupid bitch Margaret thatcher did. Will Tony Blair be knighted like Maggie thatcher was. It seem to me that those who take the law into their own hands and get away with it are rewarded for their deviousness. Margaret Thatcher and co including Tony Blair should be killedWilted rose and chopped up into small and sent to the rich people of this world as evidence that their rule will not be tolerated anymore.

We are given everything that we want so that we have no time to see the real issues going on in our countries, wake up people, start militia groups, get armed and become dangerous, mass together as one against our common enemy, the state and its ruling parties. There have been political debauchery in our history over the past 20 years, politicians who have stolen money from the country and have not been jailed and punished but given jobs elsewhere in the sector.

The idea of weapons of mass destruction being in Iraq was a guise to start a war for oil. No weapons have been found still to this day and yet the war is till ongoing, innocent people are still losing their lives because of these greedy people.
We in this country have weapons of mass destruction, why are we allowed to keep them, why are the nuclear weapons still being manufactured by our warmongering weapons companies.

Lets use their tactics against them. Lets blow up their facilities with dirty bombs and chemical weapons. Any serious anti terrorist can gain the information on how to achieve this off the Internet. This is one reason why the Internet is being scanned constantly because the ruling classes know that they are not innocent of the the crimes against humanity and they know that others not associated with them know they are responsible for these crimes and they are frightened of what the outcome may be.

I can no longer keep quite about the thoughts that go through my mind, I am one amongst thousands who think this way. My only stopping point is my desire to please my Heavenly Father. Christianity is being systematically wiped out for a new world religion. Islamic extreme right wing officials have stood up and condemned the British population and have not been held accountable. Though when a Brit speaks up against these Islamic Clerics, they are shunned as being political hate speakers.
Muslim history is inundated which butchery and crimes again humanity and yet we still tolerate their extreme views without vengeance. The time has come to remove these heretics against our Sovereign Lord and Heavenly Father and never make mention of them again in history.
Behead them like they behead us.

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